Monday, February 25, 2019

nightmarish concert after a comically awful dream (320/365b)

i don't usually share dreams, since i think they are usually only interesting to others. also, i haven't been remembering them very much lately. there was a time in my life that i wrote every single dream down that i had, and they began to get so vivid, and so frequent i was waking up at all odd hours of the night to write in my dream book. eventually that novelty wore off. i have had some great ideas in dreams. also, once, in a dream, i proved, without a doubt, the existence of god, though sadly, i forgot how as soon as the day arrived.

this one is too funny and was too vivid not to write about though: i call it the tattoo dream
i was on a beach somewhere, with my quintet on a work trip. i was very dizzy from sun/dehydration, and asked a stranger for a glass of water, which she told me she would let me have if i just read through her catalog of tattoos she could make. i paged through it and chose one, i thought it would be small, but it ended up covering my entire calf. i was so nervous about what people would think. barbara made a kind of concerned face and told me ... "yeah... i would remove that." i asked her "yes please! do you know where i can do that?" ... yes, she could, but i would have to wait a few months, you can't remove fresh ink, and she's never heard of anyone removing it the day they got theirs. klaus told me he didn't understand the joke, and i explained that nobody understood the joke. i was mortified. and the thoughts and emotions (the most vivid part of the dream) just piled up. how could i hang out on the beach? what if mary came to visit? what would my dad think?

so i looked it up and i guess it's true
you've got to wait to remove that tattoo
-wannabe leonard cohen lyrics

i drew it pretty much right away
WHAT are those wingdings characters underneath?
what does it meeeean?
vacation is over and it's back to school and kindergarten and routine. everyone very tired but overall well mooded.

i wanted to go see buchbinder conduct 3 beethoven concertos from the piano, and have been looking forward to going with pauli but in the end he cancelled on me and i went alone. sadly it was actually a truly awful concert with a terrific soloist. the orchestra just didn't follow anything. i was all alone standing in the back, and after the intermission, i was still holding out hope for the great c-minor concerto, but no luck, it made me annoyed enough that i just went home. buchbinder became an ehrenmitglied of musikverein, which was kind of fun to watch after the break, he gave a nice little speech about how music is the only language that doesn't need a translator, no matter where your music originates.

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