Friday, February 15, 2019

valentines day with friends.... (309-2/365b)

the musician's didn't exactly leave at 9... more like a few minutes before 11. but that's ok.
what are we watching?
we are watching the double bass player show off his purple trombone - he's good too!
on the way back, i remembered it was valentines day, which didn't exactly change any of my plans since this isn't so much my kind of holiday.. 

i did get to spend my evening with lots of awesome friends. nick and i went for a fun walk, starting with buying some krapfen and some new buttons (for my very old coat) then just very half-hearted sightseeing, mostly sarcastic window shopping.

nina and nick and kris went to see blue man group, and manuela and i went to the opening of jun yang's show at the kunsthaus. it was kind of disappointing art-wise, but definitely entertaining, because manuela and i were together.
stuff and fluff

theodore had his krol roger premier at the opera. i didn't go see it, but afterwards the audience i met said they liked it. 

more kunsthaus

manuela's mirror selfie
we left to go to the second museum which was having an opening tonight, but they had closed early to make room for the one we were already at. this guy was down there, with a beautiful dog, and manuela wanted to take a photograph of it. unfortunately, there was no light. the man just decided to sit and smoke a cigar, and gave the leash to manuela. the dog was big and had a mind of its own, so he just pulled her along with her. i tried to grab a photo, but i think the conditions were pretty much against me.

manuela wanted a photograph of this dog, and he wanted none of it.

a couple looking at ... umm... not much
before all the exhibitions all of us (including little theodore) went out for dinner at ginkos. i had to leave to drop theodore off for his premier, but i came right back and we got some nice amount of chatting in before we went our separate ways. manuela gave kris a stamp so that he could mail her a postcard from last year before she moves next week.
a study in blues and greens

we walked all around the city taking more photos (some better, i think than some of the ones we saw in the exhibition) and after all this poorly organized post, we said our goodbyes and i took theodore home (very late - the only time he has to stay to the end of the show)

still covered in gold make-up

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