Saturday, February 2, 2019

spontaneous plabutsch! (297/365b)

it tastes a little  bit like water when i drink it but when i stop drinking it tastes like tea. -felix

went to a concert this morning with isabella (in lieu of not going to salome with her on wednesday because i was afraid of the modern set and weird extra stuff that the opera likes to throw in there) ... it was a concert called the "organ brunch" and it was just organ music, some vocal music, and a brunch afterwards. the performances were by students, and some were quite nice. the brunch was ok, but there was no space so isabella and i sat in a tiny corner and balanced our plates and cups on our laps. i found out she had never been hiking so i suggested today, since it was such a nice day, and plabutsch, the closest "mountain" is so very close.

the view from the overlook

oh mann, genießen ist sooo schön!

meanwhile theodore and henry were on the plabutsch and then to an outdoor lichtermesse (fritz dropped them off there, then dropped off their wet outside clothes here and brian brought them new clothes to wear there), brian and felix were at the theater, and we got some bookshelves on willhaben very early in the morning. they are just particle board, and at 25euros for 3 of them we got exactly what we paid for. their redeeming quality is their size - just small enough for our weird slaty walls. let's see if we continue to have books spilling out everywhere.

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