Monday, February 18, 2019

mint julep reprise (313/365b)

dentist in the morning and then henry got to go visit a school friend of his, niklas, all on his own. they wanted to have him stay longer, but when 7pm rolled around we went and took him home.

i met with irmtraud about a possible concert, brought about by knowing nina who knows people.

all i wanted all day was tiramisu. i made one but the only problem is now that i've made t-irma-misu....  i want to be eating it NOW and not tomorrow.

nina visited for 15 minutes on her way too and from things. we were both pretty low energy.

theodore spent the afternoon in the basement doing ... something

gorgeous day out, felix just wanted to cuddle. i lay on the porch for a while just cuddling him, that was a special delight.

dancing in the evening with my love, just at home, to try to practice our dancing with the music of the song, rather than just the beat. we high-level analyzed the song mint julep so we would know when what was going to happen in the song. and then we danced to it over and over again.
:) mint julep

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