Friday, February 22, 2019

i'm sad that the weekend is starting because the end of the break is coming (317/365b)

we did so much art today. we painted canvases and made projects. felix made a sculpture out of an old toothbrush from which he had removed the bristles with a pair of pliers and a lot of difficulty and using a lot of patience.
mr. toothbrush man
nina came over early and sewed up theodore's hat for his costume, filling it with stuffing to make it stand up straight.

after henry's cello lesson, michi and i took our kids to the children's museum to check out the end of the exhibit about water for 3-6 year olds. they have one exhibit for ages 3-6 and one exhibit for ages 6-12. if you want to go to both exhibits with all your kids, each person has to have 2 entrance tickets. i feel like that is unfairly discriminating against people with 2 kids, specifically aged 7 and 3 like michi has. she can't leave her older kid alone in the big kids exhibit "until he's 12" and neither kid gets much out of the exhibit intended for the other. oh well. we had fun until the museum closed.

on our way home we left theodore and henry at the abenteuerspielplatz, which is open late for a game of "werewolf" ... it's for big kids, and both my kids are by far the youngest participants. Henry had never played before.

I picked them up and on the way home stopped briefly at the lendhotel to look at the stars and each of us identified some half a dozen constellations and we had delightful conversation on our short walk home.

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