Wednesday, February 6, 2019

so very suddenly sick.. (301/365b)

i wanted to take felix to a show today. and i got up, felt a little tired, but thought nothing of it, then went to have coffee, the very sound of the machine making me nauseous, and then deciding i would stay home and see if i needed some sleep, and then coca-cola was the only calories i had today and practically stayed in bed the entire day, and was blissfully happy that it was time for sleeping when night time rolled around.

when we were little my parents would get coca-cola for us, not as a treat, but to use as medicine. it makes sense, it gives you some sugar, some salt, some fluids, and rests easy in your stomach. it has caffeine to help against headache. eh, i'm a believer, but man, that stuff tastes like medicine to me, and it cracks me up to see happy delighted people in advertisements pouring the stuff into their mouths like it's delicious.

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