Wednesday, February 27, 2019

extra work (322/365b)

theodore apparently told everyone at school and everywhere else that his birthday was today... because he was born at 11pm on the 26th in boston and that means it was 5am on the 27th in graz. he does have a point.

barbara came over and worked a bit in the morning. we even designed flyers for potential events in november. quintet just creates so many side projects, that are individually quite manageable, but in sum quite time consuming and overwhelming. one step at a time seems to work best. but i'm still obsessed with arranging. currently i am going one 5 second phrase at a time on a piece on youtube at 0.25x speed, and just writing down the notes one at a time.
checking notes on the viola before entering them into finale
my finale2003 version is one i still have left from when i went to college in ... what was that year?
oh yes, 2003. i still have fond memories of the finale class i took.
i took theodore, henry, felix and ronja to the kids chorus, and theodore and henry to the library in the meantime. every time i go to a library here, i get completely aggressively attached to the Dewey decimal system and well organized libraries.

Theodore did another krol roger show tonight. he got himself home by 8:40. unfortunately, brian got there at 8:20, and waited there for theodore until i called to say he'd gotten home by himself. it's not ideal that he goes home alone that late, but it's kind of cool that it works.

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