Saturday, February 16, 2019

music, music, music (311/365b)

quintet rehearsal in the morning turned into quintet rehearsal till 4. got to practice my shaker skillz.

while the strings practice barbara and i, the rhythm section (bongos and shaker)
take photos and drink coffee and do silly things

still bright and sunny when we leave rehearsal - winter is winding down!
met elisabeth, the secret admirer - very cool, but a little anti-climactic. watched klara flieder teach a student the prelude of the e-major partita. i was sorry to have to leave, but i was also so hungry, and i still wanted to go to the opera tonight.

found out that roxanne, the canadian violist, lives down the street from me. (because she asked for help moving a washing machine, and told me her address, which is ... well, about 0.1km from here.)

saw koenig roger, which was very strange. a huge bathtub in the middle of the stage painted gold - becomes the baptismal font, a gigantic pit of mud to bury people in, a strange deity icon, and lots more. meditation style: centa watched it without subtitles, standing the whole way through. i was so proud of theodore, standing right up front and center of the children's choir. theodore joined us after the first act and the two of us snuck into some nice seats at intermission. we walked home, the buses were on a strange schedule.

at home, all the music high had to be subdued a little so brian and i listened to a lecture on happiness by osho, which took some dark turns into analyzing dr. schreber as the father of fascism. osho was a really out there cult leader, but i know why.. his voice is so mesmerizing, and his ideas are so compelling.

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