Sunday, February 17, 2019

kiss me kate :) (312/365b)

quintet rehearsal, and we had a discussion afterwards which was a bit difficult and unsettling. i felt a bit sad afterwards. but at least i snagged this funny picture of barbara matching her percussion instrument.

we'll have to find a more curly snare brush
i just barely got to the opera on time to see kiss me kate with brian and the kids. i went home early with felix who thought the thing was just too long at 3hours. i think he was right. i also have to remember that american musicals just are not in the blood of these austrian actors/singers/musicians/etc. the costumes were phenomenal. and i just love the show anyways. i was afraid they left out "too darn hot" all together, but the boys assured me it opened the second act.
in the intermission right before i took felix home
they're so cute in their fancy dress shoes!
early in the morning, while i was at rehearsal early in the morning, i connected roxanne, the canadian violist, with brian, who borrowed the uboot to help her move her washing machine. just another thing i would have loved to have in terms of help from strangers moving into a new town. it's the least i can do.... then brian and the kids got to have an outdoors grill party (in february!) with the foersters before the opera show. i was so jealous. i just had a dry sandwich stuffed in my coat pocket to eat between my rehearsal and the show.

plus dancing at 10:30, doing social dance choreography to mint julep with brian. <3

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