Wednesday, February 13, 2019

monday on a tuesday (307/365b)

the doorbell rang and when i answered the door henry was there with his hands full of projects from school. there i also noticed a note from my first secret admirer who is no longer a secret... let's see if she stays an admirer.

after such and such i would love to meet for coffee! -elisabeth
so the way that worked is that shortly after arriving in graz mid 2015 i was practicing up in my room and the doorbell rang. since i didn't know anybody, and because i was practicing and there were other people in the house besides me, i didn't answer it. centa came up later to say: "somebody had stopped by who said she heard me from outside, and thought i was a fantastic violist and wanted to just say hi" ... she was already gone, when i tried to chase her. then i didn't hear anything from her for a long time. and i always wondered who that was. i thought i got it, when i saw somebody going up and down the street on a bike with a violin case on their back, but i couldn't very well stop her and say "are you the person who thinks i'm awesome?" .... then a few weeks ago, brian was leaving and she stopped by again, and i wasn't home. brian took her card and her number, and i texted and she didn't text back. now she wrote, left me a note about a concert next weekend, to say "she has been too busy to get together and meet a new person, but after this concert it should work." ... i'm so curious how that will be!

the rest of the day was just like a normal monday, except it was tuesday. i did lesson things, and finished working through the entire rebecca clarke sonata. i got another, hopefully the last, iron injection. i read, and wrote and played. things are good.

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