Saturday, April 4, 2020

a very photogenic saturday (95/365d)

Farmers market in the morning with Theodore and masks and ordnungswache. Later in the afternoon Brian got a new mask of his very own at the door of the grocery store. After that, at akdag, there was no 1m distance or facemasks in the tiny and very crowded store.
masks and security
for quintet promotion purposes, barbara wanted a short video of me cutting and throwing a lemon, so I set up the camera, and centa threw lemons at me which I then cut and threw at brian. it was very amusing. The leftover lemons had to be used, so Centa and Henry and Felix made very fancy cookies for tomorrow. 

after two organ lessons on zoom, we started a movie project with the kids: so fun when we finally got started - lots of preparation for on-screen pranks. we mixed a liter of vinegar with 2 cups of baking soda for one prank. Then I stopped filming and got to clean lots of stuff with ensuing slush.

on a whim, i wrote out and typeset and edited an Elegy for Viola and Piano (that I found by chance in the digital archives of the ny public library) by a man named... "Wallingford Constantine Riegger" - wow, what a name!

went for a short run around the block with brian, and then chatted with nick while brian ran farther on his own.

reading an antique herb book (one of the props) before get
chef felix is going to get pranked
card break

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