Tuesday, April 28, 2020

theodore makes a great running partner (119/365d)

we reversed the order a bit today. first we read robin hood, then had an all music morning, and then homework starting at noon.

henry played his bach prelude for mary (who then introduced us to the cellist enrico dindo - amazing!) over skype, which meant brian had to take his work meeting somewhere else. like on top of the now-ruined "fort"
music drove him out of his work room
pauli came over to talk about books and have tea. meanwhile centa made elderflower champagne and, since there were lots of lemons cut up in the making, a lemon cake. also meanwhile, the boys started the first harry potter movie. it's not scary. it's cool! ... 20 minutes after the movie ended and it's time for bed... "i'm going to sleep in mama's bed."

there was a bit of a movie intermission where theodore and i ran our 3rd day of 3rd week of couch to 5k, in the threat of rain.

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