Thursday, April 9, 2020

bumblee day (100/365d)

foersters visited during bridge to drop off lego. all plans for the day go directly out the window.
today was bumblee day, which we found out when we opened a letter from tante lala. that's the day in our family that the little kids tell the adults what to do.
Happy Bumblee Day!
foersters visited right after we scheduled our day with all kinds of ideas and had just started to play bridge ... they dropped off some letters (ronja wrote "ihr seid die einzigen die ich vermisse!") and a huge package of their own lego for us to borrow, since that's what my three play with when we visit there.

when we opened the box, all plans for the day go directly out the window. now it was lego time all day. they barely made use of their incredible power until bed time - at which point they got to stay up very very late with story after story.

theodore and i did do ourselves good and went for a walk/run (first day of couch to 5k for us) and dropped off some books for the foersters as an exchange.

we made ourselves a beautiful last supper evening with incense and candlelight where we looked at oil paintings of the passion story by Wilhelm Thöny and had rye bread and wine. theodore tasted and made a face (and he generally has a very forgiving palate)

afterwards i got a chance to talk to my parents over skype while brian and centa read all those stories.

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