Friday, April 3, 2020

der nöck doesn't solve all problems (93/365d)

the day started and ended with hermann prey's singing of Carl Loewe's Der Nöck.... 

phew, what a day... so much fussiness in the children and general crankiness, although we got to sleep in and everyone seemed totally happy early in the morning.... then things kind of went slowly off the rails... and now, sitting here in the evening, i am left wondering... what did happen today? and what made it seem so rotten?

only good stuff.. we drew, ,went for walks,picked bärlauch for our supper, and we played music, and all the other things that make us generally happy, but i guess it's not always enough. all the kids said their thorn was "so much fighting" but..... they were also all actively involved at some point. i guess some change must be made. ... one fun thing was making thunderstorms using our new rainstick and centa's thunder-machine that i glued back together with henry turning on and off the lights.

finished watching the show fleabag with very dry champagne. disappointing last 3 episodes, but overall we had a good time watching.
Brian's review of the show:
1 drink needed per episode

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