Friday, April 10, 2020

getting ready for the weekend (101/365d)

Henry and Felix both ended up in our bed this evening, and this morning I was awoken way too early with a knee in my face and no blankets, so I got up and read another couple chapters of the Name of the Rose (which is becoming a pretty tedious read but that's ok)

Then, while Brian went to the farmers market and the spar all by himself for all the food for the feast weekend, I had virtual coffee time with Nina.
Brian returns
(I interupt my meeting to run and get my camera and memory card)
I made garlic pumpkin soup for dinner (it's a fasting day, after all) and we ate outside and I enjoyed the sunshine and read a bit more while Centa and the kids painted eggs that had been blown out. Henry kicked Felix's soccer ball back onto the roof, so it's stuck there for the time being.

We all went on a walk together, but Henry wanted to go back sooner than everyone else so Brian and he went back. Felix and Theodore and I walked on, spurred and motivated by the pedometer that Felix has been wanting to try for ages and the other two finally let him wear today. He was running ahead and back again, running in place, generally hopping and skipping. More steps, more steps!

At home we started a massive clean-up action, which went pretty well but somehow riled the kids up enough that they didn't fall asleep until 10:30 and now I'm pretty much exhausted too.

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