Wednesday, April 22, 2020

let's pretend .... (113/365d)

switched with brian for the morning, he did kids homework with them, and i did computer work. wrote my introduction for Paul Juon's Mysteries for Cello, and emailed the nypl about rights... dry stuff like that.

when that was all done, we switched again. we read a lot, "the white deer" (thurber) and "mistress masham's repose" (t.h. white) (both truly very very weird) centa made title cards for our silent movie so i can finally finish that (yay, more computer work :[ ) unhappily there was very little music today. but we have a full program planned for tomorrow.... we'll see how that goes.
one of the cards.....
henry and felix made a blanket/pillow/table fort that made them very happy to play in, and i got to hear them play let's pretend - they were the second richest people in the world - they got that way by reporting for a paper, then they read one of the papers that the richest people had gotten a fine (of maybe like 2000 dollars or something else a lot) "for something" and now they were officially the richest. what jubilation!

soup for dinner, and henry even ate it! always happy when that works.
and felix's official highlight of the day was a race that he and henry did from one side of the house and with their legs tied together. (not to each other, each one had their own ribbon)

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