Friday, April 17, 2020

true paradise is spring time without obligations (108/365d)

read nate the great over skype with agnes, all four of us were crowded around the piano, where i had my computer set up to record and practice.

i recorded tons and tons of stuff, including igor brezget's newly written "coronantidote #7" for which i recorded the viola and two violin parts. it turned out pretty good, i think. also i gave up recording the riegger elegy because i kept messing up and i just asked brigitta to do it for me. she sent me a recording over whatsapp and i was done with my part 10 minutes later. It's not even terrible.

we all read robin hood outside on the sun bench after henry took charge of lunch (oven-toasted cheese sandwiches with basil from the garden)

centa made a very pretty flower arrangment... the lilacs are already blooming. the whole garden smells so good!
 so pretty!

 while i was inside recording and working there was lots of digging for theodore, henry and felix, who are busy trying to build an underground room/cave.... the hole is less dangerous now. before it was just deep enough to trip into by accident. now it's a good 3 or 4 feet deep and you can't miss it anymore. they really really really needed a bath!

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