Tuesday, February 18, 2020

vienna for the day (49/365d)

have to renew passports. .... brian planned the day so the rest of us just had to go. he had dinner packed and documents organized and appointments made. the computer system was down in the consulate.... it took us forever to find the consulate in the first place, because they refused to give us an address. after our passport appointment we got 3 american flags to walk around vienna with.

the rest of the day we spent at the technical museum, which was great fun. they got to show me around for the beginning, then i discovered a new room and got to show them around. by the end it was clear that theodore had a fever and that wasn't great.
at the end of the day
we went back to the train station and waited for our connection back to graz and a very unstable lady who was shouting and laughing at passersby came over to us and gave theodore a shoulder bag. he was too sick to acknowledge it much, and i wasn't sure whether it was better to accept or not. we ended up taking it with us, why not?

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