Monday, February 3, 2020

a case of the mondays (34/365d)

again a gorgeous day that i had trouble enjoying because my head hurts and i'm a bit dizzy and congested. being sick is getting quite tedious. 
i picked felix up from school starting work on a reger suite with elke. we didn't walk straight home, but stopped at the lendplatz to sit in the sun and do homework. he did the homework, i bought myself a cappuccino and enjoyed watching him work.

i accompanied him to chorus and decided against reading (because of my head) and just waited for theodore. i tried to find him a place to eat some soup since he's been out all day and will be out till 9pm still, but one place was closed, one was out of soup and one was too loud. out of time i bought him a sad looking take-out soup and gave it to him in a paper bag to take with him so i could get back to pick up henry and felix. 

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