Saturday, February 29, 2020

Centa's EIGHTH Birthday Party! (60/365d)

Centa's birthday comes but once every four years, so it was time for a real Party! I was still sick, so I wasn't that helpful, but before we could get much party prep done anyways we had to say goodbye to Uncle Ludwig. He made palatschinken for a LOT of boys. Theodore and Henry were signed up for a boys day at asp, but because Edward is here, they didn't want to go, but I invited them all for palatschinken breakfast and Uncle Ludwig obliged. The "gaggle" of boys ate outside. Then Uncle Ludwig broke all the records and shot a little video with four little nibling stars. Then they played cards.
One way to play (with) cards....
Centa tried on her party hat and Agnes gave Edward her headband to wear.

Goodbye in the Garden
Then we all waved goodbye and sent him on his way in the taxi. Then I got to making guacamole.

Holy Guacamole!
Meanwhile, Centa carved herself a little fruit salad....

a coach for cinderella
in the background the platter of food that Ingrid brought over
Once all the guests were here, and the kids had warmed up to each other, they all got together to play a very cooperative game of...

two people play, the rest take turns trying to knock the pieces over
ok it wasn't that bad...
then present time......

whose birthday is this anyways?
then sleep time.....
.... i lay around with the kids for a while, then i got a call from edward, already back "home" in england, saying he was sending me a video of centa's 8th year... when i went down to show the party only mary and centa were left. we had a good time watching it though.

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