Wednesday, February 5, 2020

reading poetry (36/365d)

signed up felix for judo today - first he wanted to go and the last week he's been saying no, no, no, i don't want to, and then i bribed him to TRY and after 10 minutes of watching from the side-lines he joined in and loved it - now all three can attend the same judo class.
afterwards took the kids all for chestnuts in the street (the original bribe)
and dropped theodore off at kalif storch. gave theodore a cell-phone so that he could call when he got done.
literatur h aus graz

i took the kids home and left immediately to go to see alfred kolleritsch read from his new book. somebody else did the reading, he is turning 90 this year. to the question "will there be another volume of poetry to celebrate your birthday?" he answered "More poems? No." I asked for his autograph for my mama, but he got so discouraged by trying to write her name that he gave up entirely on signing his own. theodore didn't call, but he was home by the time i finished the reading, so i went home too.

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