Friday, February 7, 2020

boop boop (38/365d)

nina came over today after forever of other things (fever, lyon, etc) ... it was a grand reunion with coffee and centa and brian and baguette and poetry and a croissant that i ate standing up while steaming milk. .....

in the evening we all went to see theodore's generalprobe at next liberty. on the way out we all got three guesses what centa had found at an antique store for henry.
a vintage cabrio horn for henry's harpo costume

theodore is on the right
(not my photo)
stayed out way late doing rehearsal for tomorrow's quintet recording. at 11o'clock i suddenly remembered that i had intended on picking up theodore and henry from their koenigskinder performance 20 minutes earlier. luckily brian filled the gap and i walked with them home from the bus stop duly embarrassed.

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