Tuesday, February 4, 2020

not a date (35/365d)

brian and i had planned on going up the plabutsch this morning but we didn't. it was a bit sad that it didn't work out, but we did pick up felix from school and he was grinning and so happy to see us. it was a pretty empty schedule day for everyone except theodore, but he's been astonishingly relaxed and easy-going. this week is the fullest because the kalif-storch premiere is on saturday.

i finished reading mozarts tintenfass, a book i got out of the library sometime in october and it's so long overdue it cannot be renewed and now the fine is more than just buying the book. i can give it back now, and brian ordered us a used copy for having at home. it's quite adorable. i had to add it to goodreads in order to rate it. it is relatively unknown, undeservedly so.

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