Saturday, February 8, 2020

recording mozart is not for the faint of heart (39/365d)

11am (which doesn't sound early until you include us getting home at midnight) theodore and henry got to perform at their first organ recital. i was one proud mama. i know there's the barney-effect, but i really thought they played very well.

a quick stop on the way home at the thrift store to get henry a new jacket resulted in 3 new fancy styrian hats... which in turn prompted a lot of comments on the way through a very busy and crowded farmer's market. i had enough time to turn around and leave. recording (mozart) with quintet (we were extremely critical) until well into the evening, taking only a slight break for klaus to take a phone call from his sister to hear news of his mothers' death, and then toasting our success until well into the night.
new toys ... a track for the tripod, and some wheels for a tipod.
i get dizzy imagining using both at once

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