Monday, August 19, 2019

watching them throw makes me want to throw too (129/365c)

we planned to go to the pottery market today, and we did make it there, just at the very end, which proved to be quite fun because we got to see a pottery competition. any of the exhibitors could compete and for some reason the men went first and then the women. there were plenty of sexist comments, unfortunately, but watching was mesmerizing. the rules? 3kg of clay, throw for 3 minutes.  measure the result and the tallest hollow structure wins. we ate peaches that we foraged on the way there, and watched as (thankfully!!) a woman won the competition (she stayed cool and calm and threw deliberately and slowly despite some heckling (to be fair the heckled the guys too, but not so sexistly))
we went to the park afterwards and i
reclaimed i thought it was so pretty and promised felix i'd throw it in the next fire we made
edited to add: we did throw it into a fire later, and it exploded instantly into several pieces. oh well)
we met henriette and her family in the park and she talked to me for nearly an hour about how she knows so many violists she just works so much better with and with whom she understands herself so much better menschlich. ok.

we walked home and theodore showed us all kinds of cool little things about details in the center of graz (a topic his school has been working on for the whole year) and we picked up groceries at the train station (the only place that's open)

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