Wednesday, August 21, 2019

a dreadful nuisance is teeth (131/365c)

yay emergency dentist appointment because i chipped a tooth. left everyone at the foersters, and the tooth was all filed and smooth in a half an hour. such great service here. the foersters also had an appointment so we switched off on kid watching (except for the baby who is so tiny and just went with them). ronja made a competition, which boy could make the "coolest" vehicle out of lego.

i don't think i would be able to decide ;)
and at home, i patted myself on the back with all the compliments for having the idea to get out both a book and the audio book so that henry could read "big" books by himself. he's already finished two magic tree house books this way.
i hope he is learning to love reading!
tonight brian will return at midnight and i'm so excited to see him again!

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