Wednesday, August 14, 2019

forgot to go to the party :( (124/365c)

today started very slowly, we are all still tired

theodore and henry had chess again, and felix and i spent the time hanging out there idyllically picking wild fruit we found and reading in the grass. i noticed a few missed calls from andi so i called him back, a bit lazily, only to realize that we were currently forgetting/missing zorah's birthday party. felix completely melted he was so sad. i felt bad. we collected some wild fruit, made a pretty package with a basket and some flowers, wrote a card, and went straight there making it just as everyone was leaving.

we had a nice 20 minutes there, catching up, and then theodore and henry stepped right into a wasps nest and each got two (they were lucky) stings. at the beginning of the party the foersters had announced to everyone about the wasp nest, and not to go in that corner, but we had missed that speech, and nobody thought about it when we got there. we went home with some special cream from them and there was a lot of snuggling this evening.

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