Tuesday, August 20, 2019

it's basically fig season again! (130/365c)

went to the library in the morning to return some very overdue books. i hadn't read (or started, really) the moon and sixpence and i owed a lot of money so i figured i'd keep it a bit longer and actually read it. we walked around the city and theodore showed us all kinds of more stuff around graz.
we ended up on the schlossberg and collected figs. we ate our fill and brought home a ton more. yum.

the view from k&o
of "our" fig tree
we stopped at the abenteuerspielplatz for the last 15 minutes, because we were passing by and kathi walked home with us and we stood and talked in the doorway for another 45 minutes.

"one last time" before we go home
some of the not perfectly ripe figs i rolled in sugar and baked (which made them perfectly delicious and smokey but the kids hated them. oh well)

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