Saturday, August 31, 2019

making magnets (141/365c)

rerecording ... i got an email asking me to fix up my last recording, so i took a quick trip while they were at the abenteuerspielplatz. the whole first half of the day i was rearranging and cleaning my room. the re-recording was fine, and quick and easy, and no problem. ....

at 7pm when the spielplatz closed, nina came over and we made magnets out of beer bottle tops. we saw some in berlin when we were there last year, and wanted to copy them for a while. first we cut out little papers the size of a quarter with pictures/text on them. then you glue them in pretty beer-bottle tops, and cover them with resin and let them dry for 24 hours. then you stick magnets to them. the kids loved this craft. to be fair, the real step one was letting them collect bottle tops from the street (including one disgusting number filled with 2 different chewing gums, yay) for months and months. they were very very nice to let us have the nicest cleanest roundest ones to craft with. after all, i wasn't always very encouraging of the collecting.

very carefully one drop at a time
i was "helping" too

the two types of solutions shouldn't mix except in the bowl.

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