Friday, August 23, 2019

a "super boring" lecture ... ok, maybe for people under 10 (133/365c)

Manuela told us about a lecture at a museum that she was going to with another friend, and so we all went. it was a political lecture about nationalism in art and culture not at all related to the art in the gallery, and after 2 minutes felix said he was bored. so brian left. the rest of us sat through the whole thing. it was interesting but i was also nervous about whether the other kids would show their boredom. also i didn't feel comfortable contributing to any discussion. so we left as soon as he finished speaking. manuela took a family photo of us outside on the stairs.

the five of us
no need to check how it came out
she knows her way around any camera
and then we took her home with us for an evening in the garden with goat cheese and figs and wine. 

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