Tuesday, August 27, 2019

brand new start of 30 days of yoga (138/365c)

tuesday morning breakfast in the sun. shared some coffee with nina. the kids played card games and tried to figure out the alice through the looking glass chess game puzzle. they kept coming to blows over one thing or another. they didn't figure it out until after i found a place online that explained the british chess notation.

once they figured that one out they took turns to try to figure out the "funniest" checkmate
this one won.
sometimes it's a good day to hide behind a rosebush and drink some coffee while everyone else fights inside

theodore and i played a new bartok duet. henry and i played his graetzer gallop (i on piano) and i practiced a ton of bartok. felix didn't want to learn any new songs.

i prepared a lot of things (food and car-seats (had to pick up from the foerster house) and swim-things) for tomorrow, since we will be out with ingrid cz. all day at hierzmann sperre.

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