Saturday, August 10, 2019

arrival in the beautiful mountains in slovenia (120/365c)

left early in the morning with brian and centa and theodore and henry and felix and took various busses to the airport where we waved goodbye to brian for his trip and then waited with coffee and cards for the car to be ready to rent (we were an hour or so early)

the long drive down to slovenia was fine until we got off the highway "30 minutes" from our destination, according to the gps. it was calculating the eta based on a belief that we were on a state highway with a speed limit of 90kmh. but in reality that highway was actually a narrow, twisty, windy mountain road badly in need of maitenence and full of potholes. nobody was driving more than 40kmh, and that was the locals. so it took a long time, and henry said he was motion sick. the eta kept getting later and later and later.

but we somehow arrived, finally, and settled into our delightful mountain hut that martin and mary had found on the internet. there was so much to see and do, specifically wood to find to start a fire, and of course the age old problem, deciding what beds to sleep in. centa chooses the museum-quality straw bed in the hut next door, where the owner's grandmother grew up.

First things first: unpack the lap-harp
on such a nice day we are going up to the attic and play cards

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