Monday, December 3, 2018

un-useful stress(236/365b)

unused to so much stress and anxiety that comes from nowhere.
actually, today was so much easier than a normal monday, and that was all well and good, except i felt like it was extremely 10x harder than normal. not so fun.

the nice thing was was that everyone around me was relatively laid back and relaxed, and after some parent teacher meetings (where we found out our kids are often late, and each one always blames the other) i didn't have anything left to do. we made pasta for dinner (i found whole grain pasta shaped like cars/planes/trains and motorcycles which convinced even felix to eat some pumpkin)

and we read the kids to sleep
and then i edited pictures after pictures, uttering the phrase "i can't believe it's already november" to which brian cheerfully and confusedly replied... "it's already december"

bedtime stories by candlelight

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