Sunday, December 9, 2018

full sunday: peggau etc. (242/365b)

early morning in peggau at a church service that dragged on and on. theodore and henry were singing in a church with singschule at the same time downtown. felix clearly wanted to go to neither, so he and brian stayed home.

I wanted to get right back home, and meet up with the violist i got to know yesterday at 11:30, which I thought was generous, but the nice people decided to invite us for dinner. which took forever. first they had to order it. it was nice, but also long, and i just wasn't in the mood, unfortunately.

I gave Barbara her present and I think she liked it. :)

clouds were so beautiful

barbara heading to school :)

Met up with the violist after all, and he showed me the magnetic wolf-killer for his viola, and I tried it out on mine and liked it (after dropping it in my viola and thinking I would never get it out again). We played some duets.

The kids were at the downtown advent carnival with Centa. They got home mega tired out, but deliriously happy.

Brian and I watched the Ronald Regan remake. He sings ONE LINE! Other than that it was pretty much horrible. I mean, really horrible. But hilariously horrible. We were only going to watch half of it, but we were thinking if we turned it off early we would never be compelled to switch it on again, so we left it at that. :)

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