Saturday, December 15, 2018

happy sad happy sad (247/365b)

Huddled by the heater. It's just below freezing outside, so we think it's cold inside too. Irma and Henry are about to go have tea with the Förster family who drove Felix home from kindergarten today. Theodore is going to sleep because he's sick. Brian is going back to work.

not pictured: Felix who wasn't home yet
one more simul-photo with my globally distributed family.

tea with jackie went off as planned, but my emotions were crazy high. she merely asked me how my week was and i burst into tears. we had tea and the kids didn't want to leave when we did. we hurried to get to the "Bratsche" children's concert, where they played bartok duos and other really cool pieces. felix complained it was "too long" at 45 minutes. they gave us balloons that were attached firmly to wrists, but where the strings were not properly attached to the balloons themselves. there were a lot of crying children upon seeing their balloons fly away with the strings still tied to them. felix won an extra balloon by being very adamantly annoyed with the lady overwhelmed by giving out balloons to a lot of sad children.

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