Sunday, December 2, 2018

i did NOT go out today (235/365b)

i didn't go out at all today, and i was so happy with that.

brian did, he left with the kids to go skating, but i didn't, although i kind of wanted to. i also just wanted to just BE.

other than that, most of the day, we were all together, doing crafty things, writing letters, and playing games.

advent advent, ein kerzlein brennt
felix is wearing a christmas stocking on his arm.

and we had corn meal waffles and cranberry sauce for breakfast
felix's face is still covered with cranberry sauce.
and we made cookies ... remind me next year, no sandwich cookies for henry's class... it means instead of 50 cookies i have to make 100, half of which i spread carefully with jam, and press together. ugg. after about 10minutes of rolling, cutting etc, everyone was bored and i got to do it myself.

theodore got me coffee, with the lighting of the wreath
henry and felix carefully cut orange peels with the big knives
extra special nice was singing "es ist ein ros entsprungen" with centa and all the kid voices, and brian's voice is getting stronger too! yaaay!

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