Tuesday, December 18, 2018

flying out (250/365b)

travel day. so stressed this morning trying to leave. i wanted to pack late at night, but i was thwarted by finding the zipper of our luggages (all of them) locked together, making them unopenable and unpackable. it turns out it is impossible to wake up sleeping children. felix stood around, rotating his torso like an exhausted top, but he could not answer the question of where the little keys were. henry was unmovable. so we did everything this morning while the kids were at school.

luckily centa's meeting got cancelled and she could pick up the kids from school. she even found time to pull the wishbone with felix, and read to him, and pack with him, which freed us up to do our own stuff. i didn't eat anything because i was too nervous. and luckily we decided on a taxi instead of walking our stuff to the bus stop. the taxi was the slowest taxi ever, but the guy was very nice and told me his daughter was in ny studying something on a full scholarship.

everything went off without a hitch. long time travelling.

i was surprised at how nice and friendly and smiley everyone was here in nyc, even the rental car people, and the airport people, and the customs officials. even at 11pm. the hardest part was the part of the drive through connecticut, brian was very tired.

and when we got there, everyone was awake! papa was even just getting up, since he is basically still on australia time. mama had already left for england and tante frieda last night.

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