Friday, December 21, 2018

finally contra dancing again (254/365b)

Theodore spent all day solving and re-solving the Rubrik's cube... albeit with a solution book that we found in the basement.

theodore is happiest with a puzzle, a book and his cat
contra dancing in carlisle today. henry wanted to go with us, and nobody else, so we went. stopped on the way to go to whole foods and buy truffles for christmas day. they are very expensive. the cashier was the slowest cashier we had ever encountered. i was impatient because i also wanted to go visit keith and alison who are only a mile or two away from the contra dance. it was so nice to see them and their 5 kids. henry might have been a little overwhelmed. the dance was nice, although a bit disorganized. the infinite-piece lexington band Roaring Jelly was playing there, and i even saw some people clapping after a petronella turn (a big difference from a few years ago when i was told "we don't clap in carlisle" and i christened that dance the "clapless carlisle contra" and never went there again)

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