Saturday, July 11, 2020

the more the merrier (192/365d)

Brian and the kids and I all took an early morning hike in Rettenbachklamm with Manuela. Theodore carried a book with him and whenever we stopped for a second he went back to reading.
relaxing minute
a bit blurry but the mood is right
We found tons more mushrooms and called Centa on the way home to make noodle-dough. We got home right before an impressive thunderstorm. Centa had been intending on meeting some friends for dinner but she then just invited them over since we had plenty. They arrived completely soaked and we found clothes for them. We were nine all together. We didn't run out of mushroom sauce and we still had lots of mushrooms left for drying, giving away and eating another time.

After our perfect dinner we had a little games time.
and "gold!" 
Manuela met up with a friend while I had an evening quintet rehearsal. I got back home just as she was going to sleep, but we still found time for a quick chat before bedtime.

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