Saturday, July 4, 2020

fourth of july (186/365d)

i took henry to the farmers market and he chose to go on roller skates... it was so lovely to have some one-on-one time with him.

stattegg and driving around - so much driving around to get theodore to his try-out for a scholarship which overlapped with his orchestra rehearsal. henry was great company as we waited for theodore's warm-up lesson to finish, and listened out in the hall. felix got to stay with the foersters while all of this was happening

when i returned the car, felix wasn't ready to go home yet so i just lay in the sun with jacky

bruno has a module now to convert electrical signals given off by living tissue into sound. i asked for the sound of a leaf once it's picked. a few hours after being picked it was still himming. then i got to hear it slowly die.
listening to bruno's dying leaf
at the farmers market this morning i had bought 20 euros worth of flowers to give our garden some new food for bees. when the temperature went down a bit, i planted them with brian and centa and felix.

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