Thursday, July 2, 2020

i can't believe it's july (183/365d)

Emersed myself in music, Buffaloes and strange research, including quartertone geniuses: Wyschnegradsky and Enescu (in his 3rd violin sonata)

i accidentally kidnapped henry's Niklas... i saw him walking alone down our street looking sad and asked him where he was going - "a walk by himself"... i asked him where he was walking to - "i dunno" ... so i told him he should come with me to the playground where my kids were. he brightened up and came with me. i left his mom a voicemssage that i had found him and taken him with me. half an hour later she calls in a panic because he had actually not said he was leaving at all. he had just told her he was going to get a drink of water. oops. he cried when i sent him home, and i felt so bad. i hadn't thought of asking "do your parents know you're out walking alone"

went to the abenteuerspielplatz, played fusball with zorah until felix and theodore took over for me. then i lay in the path on the pavement ready for the thunderstorm until Jacky got there.

Theodore made dinner for everyone.

Buffaloes rehearsal, biked home in the rain and took theodore outside in a raincoat over his pajamas to watch lightening.

there was a wonderful group call - an unusually high quality skype call with edward, centa and papa.

Work on my Composition with Bruno......
i said i wanted a fairly constant tempo...
...but did i mean it?

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