Saturday, July 25, 2020

centa visits us in greifenburg (206/365d)

brian went super early in the morning and bought leis for our concert in greifenburg, our unofficially called "cultural appropriation" concert includes one hawaiian song from the "girl from hawaii"

still a little bit of tension today left over from yesterday's rehearsal
i spent lunchtime macro-photographing flies so i didn't have to be social
before the concert we did some photoshooting

the top of the wall slopes backwards over a cliff...
centa came with her friend karin and it was great fun to finally have someone in the audience (after two years of this series) that i knew. afterwards i got to see them at their table, and on our way out together, i got a blatantly terrible harassing comment from a relatively influential guest to which i didn't respond, but afterwards i felt most annoyed that nobody else, including his wife, sitting right beside him, responded either. after the short drive back to their hotel i got my dinner, starting at 12:30am, which i really couldn't eat, it was too late and too heavy. then barbara and i danced full energy till 3am and giggled ourselves to sleep again.

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