Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hierzerteich besuchertag (203/365d)

mastermind in the very early morning for brian after only a few hours of sleep... then he went and picked up our rental car for visiting day at the summer camp.

got there in time for the morning circle so we didn't distract them and wandered around the woods
morning circle with talking stick
finding a parasol at his feet
lay in the sun for 10 minutes and then a sudden terrific rain storm
watching from the shore
felix canoeing with henry
theodore kayaking on his own
singing and dancing in the rain
crossing the threshold between wet and dry
After the rain and after lunch Henry set up a hammock for me so I could lay there and read. In the early afternoon I had to leave on my own, and drive to and from a rehearsal for the buffaloes that they had scheduled just for me, since the singer is out of town. i had a horrible time navigating the tiny one-way streets in the city center that are normally no problem for me on a bike. Back at the lake they had dinner for me.
felix on the zipline
stayed in the water till the last possible minute.
Same spritz-effect with the mud puddle under the swing
It got dark quickly and we headed home when the game of werewolf began.
Accusations in Werewolf
drove home with felix...
when we left we asked him "what would you write in your corona journal?" and he replied sleepily: "about the eierschwammerl"
when we arrived he woke with a start, saying: "so short to get home?"

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