Monday, July 6, 2020

sometimes there's leftover homework (188/365d)

left-over homework - friday saturday and sunday were so full that we had homework left from then
that fact did nothing to motivate the kids to work harder - instead it caused plenty of procrastination

i got back from my elke lesson nearly at noon, and still had to sit with them to finish homework
we took theodore to *his* violin lesson, then to the library, and when we got back, did more homework.

a lot of the homework doing was just sitting there slowly not moving, and staring into the distance.
at 8pm i was still waiting.... and then very slowly, and very tiredly, we finished everything for the day, and in henry's case, for the school year. hooray. terrific thunderstorm and bedtime.
non-ergonomic writing on the floor
bruno and i had a meeting to organize dynamics in my composition while brian had a work meeting. then we did some yoga and watched the movie "pillow talk"

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