Sunday, July 12, 2020

strange excuse to go hiking (193/365d)

Manuela left early in the morning and then I went back to Rettenbachklamm with only Henry ... he had lost his mask yesterday and really wanted to look for it. We retraced every step from yesterday, talking and laughing as we went. Although it seemed like a silly reason to be out again I wasn't sorry at all that we had the luxury to be out just the two of us. At the very end of the hike, walking across the street to get to the tram we successfully found his mask lying in the dirt. Totally worth it. :)

Quintet was having a grill-party to celebrate Barbara's moving in to her new apartment.I originally wanted to go with everyone but their kids were not there, so I decided it was too boring for our kids to go, so it was just me. It's on the 7th/8th floor (depending on which language you count in) and i had fun looking down and watching people from the birds eye view.

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