Wednesday, December 11, 2019

cheers to new beginnings (1/365d)

won't get caught up .... so counting the losses and starting over. i am a bit disappointed, but hey.. now i'm back. a picture every day again, and a bit of context to go with it.

a rose is a rose is a rose
they gave each musician one after the concert

i just now finished reading the Tailor of Gloucester for the second time, the first time was to felix at his bed time. the second time at theodore and henry's bedtime when they got home from rehearsal for konigskinder, (premiere in 3 days)

felix made up math problems for brian and me.
in a gold pen.
he got extra math homework at school and he upped the ante right away
i hadn't seen them all day, i got up after they had left for school and had gone to rehearsal and concert before they got back. the concert was at the Sigmund Freud clinic for neurological disorders. mostly it was just us professional musicians playing*, but they also had some patients sing songs and they all sang ok.

one patient came to me at the end saying she wanted to thank me for singing, but didn't have anything to give me, and could she sing a song? it was a bit of a susan-boyle-on-tv moment, she sang SO beautifully, so incredibly beautifully. the hallway was suddenly filled with a full voice perfectly on pitch with a sad song about heartache and loss but sung clearly and without pathos. everyone came out of the side room where the reception was to see who was singing and she shrank away and said she didn't want to sing for anybody.

* one of the pieces we played was Pueri, concinite by Johann Ritter von Herbeck - a piece (and composer!) i had never heard of. supposedly he was on the jury when bruckner applied for his vienna church job and said "Er hätte uns prüfen sollen!" ... the piece was immediately stuck in my head

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