Sunday, December 15, 2019

catching up on sleep (4/366d)

woke up unbelievably late, after 9:30, and brian and i rushed out the door to get to asp on time to pick up the children. they had slept about 5 hours, and were a bit cranky, but we heard that they were the best of all possible kids while they were there. my favorite was a felix story. they had a few races around the circuit, and since the age of the kids is 8-18 and felix was a bit smaller and only 6, he lost every time. some of the other kids hadn't won at all either. so fritz decided to change things around... he set a timer for 1 minute and 12 seconds. (normally the pace is between 40-60seconds) and whoever got the closest to 1 minute and 12 seconds would win. Felix got back in EXACTLY 1 minute and 12 seconds. everybody else was very surprised, and speculated that he was very lucky, and he answered that "i just kept count in my head, it was easy" ... i believe him, too!

we farmer's marketed, and got some wicks to roll christmas tree candles. i took henry to buy a little nick book (der kleine nick spielt fussball)... and we read it after the candle making

but do they burn at both ends?
then it was NAP time, for real, since thedore and henry are singing a PREMIERE tonight at the opera. I myself have been looking forward to an evening with Brigitta seeing a concert in Deutschlandsberg of Hindemith and Roentgen Viola sonatas with kefer and schirmer, but the concert was cancelled and was not rescheduled, so we just got a glass of wine instead. centa went to the premiere, which she said was great, but she cannot reveal all the things the kids do on stage, because i am supposed to be surprised. fair enough.

official premiere photo. henry front row, standing
thedore second row, directly behind the standing girl

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