Sunday, December 15, 2019

3rd sunday of advent, but i don't feel like i have arrived even in december yet (5/366c)

fun morning! this is how it looked:
reading and games and then we danced to uncle martin's audio advent calendar entry

we got things ready for gingerbread cutting and decorating. manuela and dorian joined us, and centa too...
decorating with toothpicks - the best tool but it takes a long time

centa nearly out of the camera's way.

..and in the middle of everything i got the (always) dreaded gig call "where are you?" ... i thought rehearsal at the opera (opus21) was at 3, but it was at 1, and so, dorian drove me as aggressively as possible there, though he was slightly hindered in his driving aggression by a number of red lights. 20 minutes late, and annoyed but the music is rock and easy and fun.

i went home for the 2 hour break, which i thought would be pointless but it was perfect. we lit the 3rd candle for advent, sang so many carols with centa, and i got to read a chapter with henry ... he did most of the reading. back to rehearsal, where it was WAY too loud - the drummer was supposedly playing "extra quiet"...

home again at 9pm, and i hear henry making crying-kind of sounds, unable to sleep, and seemingly not wanting to sleep, so i snuggled him a bit, until he finally relaxed and let himself into dreamland.

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