Thursday, December 12, 2019

first snow (2/365d)

pauli and i went to das gramm for coffee and he texted me later that he liked what i had said:
"buy these anti-capitalism stickers now, and please place them in the designated anarchist areas"
... well, something like that.

i got home just in time to find henry practicing while brian worked.
 father and son

 just a quick bite to eat and then we got to go to felix's first piano recital, where he played very nicely.
watching proudly from the back of the hall.
theodore and henry left right away to get to their last dress rehearsal for königskinder, and felix and brian and i went to the christmas party at school (that theodore and henry were a bit sad about missing) ... 
my actual view of the party

afterwards were snacks and stuff, but no room, and i didn't have time anyways. i went to nina's work, where there was a wikipedia editing for women class, and we enjoyed doing some minor edits before i raced to get to united intonations rehearsal. on the way home it was lightly snowing, and i returned home to find everyone asleep, and the bio-müll taken out, and some passerby with big hands had left a hand print on it.

i think snow is so pretty

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