Tuesday, December 17, 2019

best hangover cure (7/366c)

for a tiny hangover the best cure is a laugenprezel brought by nina. and some late morning coffee, and a walk.

felix left the house before 7, so he could get a pokemon card from a friend (my kids don't have any to trade, but sometimes they get one at a time as very seriously-taken presents) he just announced he wasn't waiting for his brothers, grinned, shrugged his shoulders and said goodbye.

brian was in vienna for work all day, and it was such wonderfully warm weather - pretty much springtime. tuesday is free of all extracurricular activities, so we played some games, and played lots of music. i continued to read from the other wise man, and cried a little bit.
blurry to hide the contents of the card hands...
partners pitch

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